A fire pit or fireplace filled with fire pit glass beads can add some design flair to a house that is otherwise lacking it. Using a fire pit outside the home or a fireplace inside the home can create an atmosphere where friends and family can relax, share laughs, and enjoy each others company. They are great for spring, summer, fall and winter to either stay warm or just enjoy the dancing flames during get-togethers indoors or outdoors. A fireplace and fire pit no longer requires the cleanup that old applications did. Instead, it can stay beautiful while in use and even when it is not.
To have a clean, maintenance free, and truly beautiful fire pit or fireplace use fire pit glass beads. These glass beads come in an array of colors and sizes. Choose colors can be chosen to help match the existing décor or choose a color to add a bit of flair to an area that is lacking. The glass is safe to use and looks very elegant when burning. It should only be used as directed by the manufacturer’s labels to ensure the safety of the user.
Fire pit glass beads are a great addition to any backyard or indoor fireplace. The colors of the glass, when ignited by a flame, is sure to impress your friends and family. There are a variety of ways that fire pit glass beads can be used. While it was created to be used in a fire pit or fireplace, this glass can be used in potting plants, landscapes, and as a substitute for pebbles on walkways.

Fire Pit Glass Beads
Fire pit glass beads are able to replace unsightly items in a fire pit or fireplace. Ceramic logs or lava rocks are a thing of the past. Traditional items that are put into a fireplace are not aesthetically appealing unless they are burning. Their plain, bland colors collect soot from the burning gas that fire pit glass beads don’t.
Ceramic logs were big in the late 70’s and have filled the inside of gas burning fireplace home’s across the world. It’s no secret anymore that you don’t have a wood burning fireplace. Fire pit glass beads are a stellar addition to any home and many people are wowed by the vivid colors they come in. To add some new design and flair to your house, purchase fire pit glass beads for many areas in the house or yard.
The fire pit glass beads are used as a filler for a fire pit or fireplace. The fire pit glass beads also help to disperse the flames evenly as they are coming out of the fire pit burners. It is meant for decoration and will not be the fuel for a fire. This means it will not burn without another fuel source like propane or natural gas. Many people may assume that fire pit glass beads are similar to charcoal and will burn without any propellant, which is false.
Fire pit glass beads have been designed as a substitute for outdated ceramic logs and lava rocks. It is designed to add a flare to the fire pit. It is unable to be used in a fire application that does not use wood burning as the fuel source since it does need the additional fuel like natural gas or propane.

Fire pit glass beads are not flammable. They are made of glass, so they will no light on fire. They are not intended as the fuel source for a fire pit. Instead, a fuel source of propane is used with the fire pit glass beads to create the flame of the fire.
To use fire pit glass beads there must be a fuel source. This source can be natural gas or propane. Propane fire pit glass beads do have special instructions but it still can be used safely with fire pit glass beads. The best fire pits or fireplaces to pair with fire pit glass beads are created by Exotic Pebbles and Glass.
These fire appliances will be specifically designed to make the fire pit glass beads look like it is burning evenly. There are different points where the fuel will come out of to ensure that multiple areas of the fit pit are burning. This will give the illusion that the fire pit glass beads have started to burn and it has spread across the entire pit. The fire pit glass beads are then scattered on the top of the fire pit or fireplace and evenly distributed. When the flame from the propane burns the fire pit glass beads will disperse the flames evenly.
An existing fire pit is okay to use fire pit glass beads with it. If there is only one point where propane fuels the fire, it is harder for the fire to have an evenly distributed flame that gives off a nice natural glow. The flame needs to have multiple points where it distributes the propane evenly. It is ideal to use a fire pit that has multiple burners to have a spread out fire appearance.
To light the fire pit glass beads, simply use an extended match or hand lighter. Turn the gas on, stand far away from the fuel source points, and hold the extended match or lighter close to a burner that is running. With the gas on the fire will light and it will stay lit until the gas is turned off. fire pit glass beads are made to withstand higher temperatures so most natural gas or propane fire pits work well.

Fire pit glass beads can be used in a variety of applications and places. Using it in a fire pit or fireplace that uses propane or natural gas is ideal. Propane fire pits do have additional instructions that need to be followed to safely use the fire pit glass beads. The only limitation is avoiding using fire pit glass beads in something that is meant for wood burning only since there is not a viable fuel source unless one is added.
Even if the fire pit glass beads are not paired with a fire pit or fireplace it can still be a great addition to the home. With its shiny texture and vibrant coloring, it can be a great filler for plants or in an outdoor rock bed. It will be similar to the natural rock that is already used but provide a much more interesting take on the design. There are many ways to use fire pit glass beads to elevate landscaping.
Any area that a person could typically see rock or dirt could use fire pit glass beads. It has been used to line sidewalks or concrete patios. The vibrant colors add an additional dimension to the design. Using fire pit glass beads in a garden can help add in color for the months that flowers cannot bloom. That way the landscape always looks beautiful, even when the colder months intervene.

Since fire pit glass beads a new decor item for houses and fire applications. It may be tough to know how much fire pit glass beads you will need to fulfill your desired project. It is easy to calculate if the coverage calculator tool is used. To use this tool, you must have a tape measure with a minimum of four feet. Simply measure the fire pit or fireplace that needs the fire pit glass beads. With your new measurements recorded, simply plug the values into the fire pit glass beads calculator. It will estimate how much of the fire pit glass beads in pounds you will need.
This makes it easy to have enough fire pit glass beads to fill the fire pit or fireplace. Do not worry if too much fire pit glass beads are ordered. There are many other areas that would benefit from a little color. Add it to the rest of the landscaping for little pops of color. There are recommendations for how deep to have the fire pit glass beads. What you do not want to do is under order fire pit glass beads. You fun nights will be held up until you get the remaining necessary amount
In a fire pit or fireplace that uses propane or natural gas, there are different ways to install the fire glass. WIth natural gas, about two to three inches of fire pit glass beads should be used. This is enough to cover the burner in the fire pit. If using propane fire pit glass beads or fireplace there should not be more than an inch of. This is enough to cover the burning in this type of fire appliance.
If there is a very large fire pit to fill, there is no need to buy mass quantities of fire glass. It is perfectly fine to use a filler such as rocks and sand, then top that with fire pit glass beads for a well-polished look at a lower cost. Some of our clients believe that they need to get way more fire glass than they need because of the measurements they take. If using a natural gas appliance there are two options. Using sand or Exotic Glass Filler. These options are both safe to use with the fire pit glass beads.
The following fillers are not safe to use with fire pit glass beads. lava pebbles, lava rocks, general landscaping rocks, and porous materials should not be used under fire pit glass beads. If these materials are used, safety is not ensured and damage to the product can occur, not to mention the risk of injury.

There are two different types of fire pit glass beads to choose from. The Original Fire Glass Collection and Reflective Fire Glass. The creation process is very different for making each type of fire pit glass beads. Both Reflective Fire Glass and Original Fire Glass can both be used in any fire application approved for fire pit glass beads.
The Original Fire Pit Glass Beads are made from recycled glass. The glass is melted and processed again using a specific furnace for repurposing the glass into the beautiful fire pit glass bead pieces. The glass is then colored with various elements to reach our desired shade. Once it is cooled and hardened, it is broken down to its desired size, washed, and bagged ready for use. window scraps and glass bottles. These are obtained after production from different agencies that are seeking to reduce their waste and reuse the product. The dazzling colors are for customers to choose the best option to match their unique housing or landscape décor.
With this type of fire glass, it can be used in a few different places. It is great for much more than putting into a fire pit. It can be used in the garden around plants, inside of containers and planters to create a unique oasis of color. The original fire pit glass beads are a favorite to put into fish tanks or ponds for a beautiful and dazzling look. With smooth edges, it is easier to use this type of glass in many different locations.
The Reflective Fire Pit Glass Beads are made from tempered glass panels with a mirror finish. Once the glass is colored, it is shattered into its desired size to give off its signature dancing reflection look as the fire burns. With this type of broken glass, the edges are still sharp. There is a possibility to be cut by any of our glasses as they are not perfectly rounded, but the reflective fire pit glass beads are by far the sharpest, as their edges are not rounded.
With this in mind, it is not recommended to use this type of fire glass in areas other than for a fire application. It is dangerous to add it to other areas that could be frequented maintenance like landscape areas, potted plants, or areas where small kids could fall into it. While installing the reflective fire pit glass beads, take special care to avoid injury by wearing protective clothing and gloves.
The size of the fire pit glass beads is a matter of preference and design. For larger fire pits and landscape applications, we recommend getting the larger fire pit glass beads to cover the larger area and because it will look better.
Our Fire Glass Collection is available in Small (1/4 – 1/2 inch) and Medium (1/2 – 3/4 inch). The Reflective Fire Glass is Available in 1/4 inch and 1/2 inch. These sizes are ideal for use in fire pits or fireplaces to give you the optimal flame look.

You can buy fire pit glass beads on our website at www.exoticpebblesandglass.com, or if you prefer to shop around at a retail location, there are a number of stores that you can do this at. To find out the best place to purchase fire pit glass beads, visit the page on our website titled Where to Buy If properly cared for the fire pit glass beads can last for a long time in a fire pit or fireplace. The way fire pit glass beads is made ensures that it is able to hold up to higher temperatures. With natural gas, the fire glass is less likely to become damaged or discolored.
Propane can cause a slight discoloration to the fire pit glass beads. It can still be used but there is some cracking or change in color that is expected. When the fire pit glass beads burn with propane glass it may change to color over time.
While there are instances that fire pit glass beads crack it is highly likely to last a lot longer than ceramic logs and lava rocks. Since it is glass rather than ceramic or lava, the flame is unable to penetrate it. Lava rocks over time become cracked and brittle, which eventually will break down. Same thing with ceramic logs. They become scorched by soot and also become brittle and cracked. there is much less stress on the the fire pit glass beads. There is no need to replace the fire glass. The flames cannot break down the glass.

There are online retailers that sell Exotic Fire Glass. Take a look at the Exotic Pebbles and Glass website to learn more about online retailers that sell the product. When looking for a specific color it may be easier to purchase online.
If purchasing fire glass in person to shop around and match with your decor, look for a local retailer on our website. There are 500 Lowes stores that sell fire pit glass stones. There is both Reflective and Recycled Fire Glass available to purchase. Always contact the local stores before going in to purchase fire glass to make sure they are at that specific location.

Fire pit glass beads are safe to use if the user installs it correctly based on our instruction for how to properly install fire glass. If the glass does become broken or damaged, by using in a manner that is not recommended, the glass is able to crack. This can become hazardous if a person cuts themselves with the glass if they decide to change colors. Always use precautions by wearing protective clothing and gloves to avoid accidental injury.
When burning, fire pit glass beads will not melt if it is in a fire doesn’t reach above the temperature of 1500 degrees fahrenheit. The glass does not give off any toxic fumes is it is heated in the fire. The color and consistency of the glass with remain the same, unless the temperature reaches above 1500 degrees fahrenheit. Natural gas is the best fuel souce to use when using fire pit glass beads to ensure the color does not become stained.
If using propane avoid using lightly colored glass. Propane can stain the glass over time, which is more noticeable on the lighter colors. We recommend if you have a propane fire pit to use, the ocean blue, black, amber, brown, chestnut or any other darker color.

Natural gas is the preferred choice for fire pit glass beads. It is able to preserve the beauty of the glass better for lighter colored glass because it does not stain like propane does. It is definitely the smarter choice and is much less of a hassle to use. However, it is not a necessity to use natural gas if a person is willing to put in some added work.
The reason natural gas is better for fire pit glass beads is in the way it burns. Natural gas burns much cleaner than propane. There will be no leftover residue that will sit on the surface of the glass. Natural gas does not produce as much carbon as propane either, which decreases the stain build-up as the fire burns.
If propane is preferred in the household it can be used with fire pit glass beads. There are a few key points to note. Propane is heavier than a natural gas. With this weight it will settle below the burner instead of intermingling with the air above it.
With the collection of propane under the burner, it is more likely to give you problems with evenly distributing the flame. To help reduce this problem it is recommended to use an LP converter. An LP converter will help the gas mix with air before it begins to burn. With this mixture the gas is able to float above the burner. This ensures that it stays lighter and will not cause as many flare-ups or distribution issues for the flame.
It is also recommended to use a pan burner system if building a propane fire pit glass beads. This will help the propane stay above the surface to prevent flare-ups. The goal is to ensure that there is no propane under the burner and it stays circulating with the air above it.
Fire pit glass beads are more than a fire application decoration. It is a way to decorate the entire home and enhance a landscape. It can be used in many locations to add color into typically drab surroundings. There are a variety of colors to choose from, so it is able to match any existing décor. Mix and match colors to create a whole new look.
The best part about fire pit glass beads is that they are safe to use. It is produced in a way that reduces soot that comes off traditional fire pits. There are no harmful pollutants that come off the fire pit glass beads, so it can be used in more locations than just the fireplace. Even when the fire pit or fireplace is not in use the fire pit glass beads adds flare to any design.
The post Fire Pit Glass Beads: The Complete Guide appeared first on Exotic Pebbles and Glass.
from Exotic Pebbles and Glass https://www.exoticpebblesandglass.com/fire-pit-glass-beads/
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